Movember: Month of the Man

When you are looking on Social Media in November, then you might notice some changes when looking at men. Suddenly many men will grow their beard or moustache. That is not meant as a joke, but it is meant to ask attention for men related issues, like prostate cancer, testicular cancer and suicide.
That is why the month of November has been dubbed Movember, the name of the global charity that raises funds to heal these diseases and prevent suicides. It is the combination of moustache and November.
What is Movember?
The purpose is to raise money for research to prevent and in the end cure prostate cancer and testicular cancer. And they are trying to get the suicide rate for men down.
Prostate cancer is actually the most predominant cancer for men. In the UK about 40.000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year.
You can get prostate cancer as young as 45, but in most cases men between 60 and 80 year get diagnosed with prostate cancer. 1 in 6 UK males will get diagnosied with prostate cancer in their lives[1].
Testicular cancer is actually a very rare form of cancer and penile cancer as well luckily. About 2300 men are diagnosed with testicular cancer in the UK per year[2].
In Europe men commit suicide about 4 times as often as women[3].
So, enough reasons to ask some more attention for the physical and mental wellbeing of men.
How to get attention better than doing something typically masculine, like growing a moustache? Or your whole beard?
Growing just a moustache or a whole beard?
Besides growing a moustache, you can also join "No-Shave November." In that case you do not shave yourself for the whole month of November. The money you save by not shaving yourself can be donated to Movember or another charity that is trying to cure cancer with research.
When you are going through chemotherapy, you usually lose your hair, so that is why they chose growing out your beard as a symbol.
How to take care of your moustache?
When you want to join these movements you might want a few tips to take care of your moustache. You can experiment and see what kind of moustache fits your face best. You can grow an 80s moustache or just a very thin line. Or you can curl your moustache like Dali.
You can also combine your moustache with a small beard or goatee to enhance the experience.
Beard balm can help you combat an itching feeling and dry skin when growing out a moustache. It can also help style your moustache if you are going for that.
Popular moustache waxes in the shop
How to take care of your Movember beard?
When you usually never grow a beard, but only in Movember, it could prove useful to have some beard care products at home.
Because after a week or so, you can start to experience unruly hairs or get white flakes in your beard because of dry skin. Luckily there are multiple ways to keep yourself comfortable while growing out a moustache or beard during Movember. Cleansing is the first important step when your beard is getting longer. That is why it is important to get yourself a beard wash to prevent your beard from becoming greasy.
A beard wash or beard shampoo can also help to prevent flaking. When the skin underneath is dry it can cause white flakes in your beard. That is called beard dandruff. When you frequently wash your Movember beard, you will diminish the chance of getting this.
Popular beard washes in the shop
It is always recomended to hydrate your beard after cleansing. That is where beard oil comes in. Your moustache or beard should be properly hydrated because nobody wants to have a dry or dull beard. Beard oil contains natural oils to hydrate and nourish your beard and skin with important nutrients.
Especially when you are not used to have a moustache or beard, but grow one out for Movember, your skin will be happy with some extra hydration. A beard oil also helps to style your beard a little bit when you go for a full Movember beard. If you really need more styling you can think of a beard balm, but you do not want to purchase products you will not reallly need, so beard oil is a great start.
It is also a bonus that beard oil usually provides a nice and fresh fragrance to your beard. And there are many scents to choose from for your Movember stache.
Popular beard oils in the shop
Movemer charities in the United Kingdom
Do you want to do more then just ask attention for these typical men issues? In that case you can support certain charities that are doing cancer research or that try lower the suicide rate under (young) men.
Sometimes your donation can also be used to come up with a new study and apply for subsidies of the government.
To find out more about Movember itself, you can and check out their website!
Interested in new studies for better treatments of prostate cancer in the UK? Read this study!
If you want to donate, you can donate to Prostate Cancer UK here!
Orchid is another great charity to donate to if you want to help fund research for male specific cancers.
As you can see Movember is more than just a month of growing a moustache or beard. It represents a bigger and often overlooked problem of male specific cancers and diseases. Growing a moustache or beard is a great way to ask more awareness for these issues and raise money for more research to treat and prevent cancer, and to treat mental illnesses.
Have you decided yet if you are going to grow a beard or moustache? Or perhaps thinking of donating to one of the charities?