scalp issues causes and solutions

Your scalp is a delicate piece of skin and many men experience some scalp problems from time to time or sometimes even permanently. A dry, flaky, irritated or itchy scalp are all very annoying scalp problems with different causes. If you have eczema or psoriasis, then you usually will have this on your scalp as well.

Causes of an itchy, flaky or irritated scalp

There are many different issues that can cause discomfort for your scalp. I will talk about a few of them here below and mention a few possible solutions or things to keep in mind as well while trying to deal with these scalp issues.


One of the most familiar reasons for an itchy or flaky scalp is dandruff. Dandruff usually occurs when the cell renewal of your skin is going too fast. Both men with a dry scalp and oily scalp can get dandruff problems. In both case white flakes will start to appear in your hair.

Read this blog post for more info about how to deal with dandruff and what products you should use or avoid to reduce your dandruff symptoms.


The exact cause of psoriasis is not fully known yet, but you cannot get it from other people. There does seem to be a genetic component to this chronic autoimmune disease. A great percentage of men that have psoriasis usually have it on their scalp. The symptoms are an itchy scalp, irritation and red spots.

Medical shampoos and shampoos that contain tar or salicylic acid can reduce the discomfort a bit. Many of these products are usually available over the counter. When you do think you have psoriasis, it is best to consult a dermatologist to talk about your best plan of approach.

Allergic reactions

Another likely cause of an itchy or irritated scalp is an allergic reaction to something. Many cosmetic products contain all kinds of ingredients and especially cheap products from supermarkets and drug stores do not always contain the highest grade ingredients. When irritation occurs, this is called contact eczema.

There are many ingredients you can be allergic too and that can cause itching or other discomfort. Parabens, sulfates, silicones, mineral oils and alcohol are ingredients that are often mentioned in regard to scalp problems. Hair dye can also contain ingredients that you are allergic to or make your scalp very sensitive.

So, you could try to avoid certain ingredients to find out if that is the cause of your scalp problems in an attempt to sooth your skin and reduce irritation.

Ringworm (tinea capitis)

Ringworm is another potential cause of an itchy or irritated scalp. Ringworm can get deep in your hair follicles and cause a rash and irritation. In some case you can even get bald spots that keep getting bigger and bigger.

When you suspect that ringworm is causing your scalp issues, then you should go to your general physician. He or she can have a look and determine if you actually have ringworm and prescribe some kind of medication. In many cases it will be oral medication to fight this fungus infection.

Smoking and bad diet

Your scalp also responds on your lifestyle. Smoking is not just bad for your lungs. Cigarettes and cigarette smoke contain thousands of chemicals and some of them can upset your scalp or even cause hair loss. It is very possible that you can be allergic to one or more of these chemicals.

Generally speaking you can see that smokers usually have bad skin, so it is no stretch that also your delicate scalp will react to your lifestyle and cause an itchy or flaky scalp.

When you are not eating that healthy, it is possible that your skin is lacking vital vitamins and nutrients. In turn that can effect your scalp and skin. A healthy skin needs Omega 3 amino acids, iron, zinc, vitamin A to E and other minerals.

So, make sure you have a healthy and varied diet. That why you can diminish the chances of getting scalp issues, like an itchy, irritated or flaky scalp.

Head lice

Head lice usually is linked to children, but you can also get head lice as an adult. Lice actually prefer clean hair, so lice is not a sign of poor hygiene.

We all remember the lice mothers in school that used a special comb to check us. You can see white dots in your hair when you have lice. It looks similar to dandruff, but the white dots stick more to your hair compared to the dandruff flakes.
With a special shampoo you can combat your head lice problems. These shampoos should contain dimethicone, malathion or permethrin for it to be effective.


A final potential cause of an itchy or irritated scalp I want to talk about separately is stress. Stress can cause certain inflammations that in their turn can cause scalp issues. When it starts to itch you are going to touch it and that will make the problem bigger.

So, even if stress is not the initial cause of your irritated scalp, it can still make the problem worse because you are probably going to touch the sensitive spots. Try to leave your scalp alone as much as possible.

Other causes of an itchy or flaky skin

Some other potential causes of scalp issues I want to mention are changing weather conditions and environmental pollution. When it suddenly gets colder or warmer, you skin can reacts to it.

In winter your hands and skin usually become much more dry. The same can happen to your scalp. Then you will get a dry and itchy scalp and potentially experience flaking. One of the primary causes for this is the eat of a radiator.

Environmental pollution can end up in your hair and scalp and cause an irritated scalp. Free radicals are a good example of environmental and harmful substances. Antioxidants will protect your skin and scalp against free radicals.


When you have read this blog post, you have seen there are so many potential causes for a dry, itchy, irritated or flaky scalp. The cause can be a skin condition, bacteria, fungus or something external.

It is important to find out what it is that irritates your scalp to find a solution. Figuring that out is your first step and then you can start to look for the best solutions. Luckily many products are available without a doctors prescription. In the Moquer shop we have many good anti-dandruff shampoos or shampoos that do not contain any parabens, sulfates or silicones.

And of course you should also look well after yourself if you do not want to get any scalp issues. Eat healthy and varied, get enough exercise, reduce stress and do not smoke.