Beard care: how to take care of your beard?
Our first blog article was titled: How to grow a mighty beard? With some luck you should have a little beard by now and in some cases you maybe are one of the happy few that can grow a beard fast. In this blog post it is all about beard care.
Trim your beard
When you want a long beard, then you should obviously not start trimming it anytime soon, but at some point your beard can look a bit disheveled and then it is good to start trimming your beard a bit.
It is best to use a trimmer with guards. When you first start trimming your beard, do it slow and carefully. You can better spend some more time then messing it up and waiting for your beard to grow back.
First trim your cheeks. Choose a bigger guard and start from your jawline and work your way up. When you want to trim more, you can use a smaller guard that will shave off more. This way you are less likely to make any mistakes.
You can use a comb and scissors for the other parts of your beard. Comb your beard well and use your fingers to determine the length and then cut it to the desired length.
You could use clippers for this, but one wrong move and your beard is ruined. Repeat this process a few times until you have the desired length.
And we should of course not forget the mustache. It is easiest to use your beard trimmer and a big guard to first trim your mustache. Afterwards you can use scissors and a comb.
For a very stylish look, you can choose to shave off your beard under your jawline, so no neckbeard. This will make your beard look way better already.
Beard care
A nicely trimmed beard is step 1, but good beard care is just as important. In a longer beard you have more chance of getting dirt and flakes in your beard. Or what about windy days or a day to the pool? This will make your beard look dry.
There are basically two kind of products for your beard. Products to cleanse your beard and products to style your beard. Styling it? Yes, when you have a decent beard, you can style your beard with special products.
Beard care products
This category is mainly to clean and refresh your beard. You do not want any dirt or flakes in your beard or that your beard smells bad. The Billy Jealousy Beard Wash is basically a shampoo for beards and a very popular product to keep your beard clean. Most men will probably know about beard oils. A beard oil hydrates your beard and also the skin underneath your beard.
Popular beard oils in the Moquer shop
Beard styling products
After you made sure that your beard is clean and refreshed, you can go even further. You can style it. That will help to control flyaway's and make your beard look less disheveled. With these products you will look bad-ass in Movember and also long after.
Beard care is more than just cleaning it. You want to look good too! So, in that case you use some beard balm. A beard balm provides some hold and it makes it easier to control difficult hairs.
Popular beard balms in the Moquer shop
Proper beard care is a combination of trimming and nourishing your beard. It is just like a great hairstyle: it needs to be cut correctly before you can style it correctly. Without using the best products, your longer beard will only give you a headache.
You do not want an itchy beard or any skin irritation. You also want your beard to have a natural shine and look well maintained without flyaway's. That is why I recommend taking a look at our beard oils and beard balms. Then you can walk around confidently with a mighty beard.